Fiber Guide - Fiber Susta and Fiber Guide Materials


Fiber guide rod (fiber susta) is produced in our company facilities and laboratory tests are carried out and quality tests are performed.

Our company produces special fiber guide bars, fiber guide trolleys, fibe sustains and repair apparatus. The steel bars are made of electric and power cables and produced specially.

Fiber guide bar with fiber guide bar, underground cable trims and manhole cleaning is done in a shorter time in a more comfortable way. At the same time, indoor electrical installations, cable routing from the pipes and camera cabling are made much easier and effortless in a short time.


It is used for fiber cable and underground cable. It provides the transition between manholes in laying underground cables. The fiber cable guide is extremely lightweight and insulated. It is manufactured from non-impact and friction resistant material and used for years without deforming.


The fiber is made of lightweight and flexible fiber material, resistant to tapping and breakage. Fiber guide is the product used in underground cable filming and provides the transition between manholes in laying underground cables.


Fiber guide Resistant to pulling and stretching.

Fiber guide High strength and flexible.

Fiber guide Resistant to hot and cold effects (-35 +80)

The fiber guide has torsion and bending resistance.

The outer surface of the fiber guide is coated with friction and wear-resistant plastic material.